Friday, June 21, 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Global Conflict - What Can We Do to Help?

Sudanese Refugees in Chad
It breaks my heart to read of conflicts occurring in African countries such as Burkina Faso, DRC, Nigeria and Sudan, and others, and those among people of African heritage, including in Yemen and Haiti.  Plus the conflicts we hear about every day, such as those in Gaza and Uraine.  Vast numbers of people are being displaced as a result. 

We're in a New Era of Conflict and Crisis - this article focuses on the exploding need for aid amidst dwindling funding resources.  Last year, more than 360 million people worldwide needed humanitarian assistance.

Although aid has a significant role to play, my focus is on preventing and resolving conflicts.  

We need to find solutions, and Nonviolent Communication (NVC) can be part of the solution.  

NVC is based on empathy.  

Please help me to spread the word, helping more people to learn and apply NVC skills to prevent and resolve global conflicts.  Please submit a blog post to the Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2024.  

Conflict often begins in the home, and children who experience violence in the home are more likely to get involved with conflict outside the home.  Go here to download my NVC Worksheet for Parents.  

What are your thoughts about preventing and resolving global conflicts?  Please comment below and please share this with your networks.  Thanks.