Black books, African heritage books, mind/body/spirit, The Ancestral Energies Blog by Zhana, author of Success Strategies for Black People and Black Success Stories. African diasporic healing, health and wellness, and success.
Monday, December 09, 2013
Kwanaa Events 2013
Plus click here for lots of places where you can buy Black.
Have you ever wondered why Kwanzaa starts on the 26th of December? Click here to find out about the timing of Kwanzaa. Remember, Kwanzaa is an opportunity to Buy Black.
Do you know of a Kwanzaa event I have not listed? If so, please post a comment below with the details of the event.
Happy Kwanzaa!
Friday, December 06, 2013
A Light Has Gone Out
Mandela was imprisoned by the apartheid regime in South Africa for 27 years, because of his fight against apartheid. He became a symbol of hope and the fight for freedom for South African people and for people all over the world.
Wednesday, December 04, 2013
"Harriet, a Choreopoem" Now in the British Library
"Harriet" depicts an imaginary meeting between Harriet Tubman and Harriet Jacobs, author of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl.
Click here to read more and view a short film based on "Harriet".
Monday, November 04, 2013
How Violence Becomes Attractive

Monday, October 28, 2013
Chances Are, You Won’t Be Able to Afford College
I recently saw this interesting article on Black Enterprise: Chances Are,You Won’t Be Able to Afford College.
It seems folks are now paying FOUR TIMES what they
paid for a degree 20 years ago, yet having a degree is no guarantee of a job,
let alone a good one. It never has been
for African Americans.
However, a university education enriches our lives in
many ways that cannot necessarily be measured.
A good education is priceless (many universities are doing their best to
put a price on it, though).
In Britain, the Head of Oxford University wants to put
up the tuition fee to a level higher than the £9,000 ($13,500) limit currently
set by the government. And bear in mind,
the new limit is THREE TIMES the previous limit set by the New Labour
In this way, Britain is becoming more like the U.S., and this is a bad thing. More and more people are being priced out of education. This is something I feel very strongly about, and that is why I have devoted a lot of time and effort to finding a solution.
Hundreds of people have found an alternative way to raise the funds they need to finance their education. For more information, click here for Shaking the Money Tree and to download my free report.
Education should be available for all, not just for
the privileged few.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Black Film: 83 Days
This is a story that needs to be told, and I am glad the film will be released next year. Unfortunately, we need to remember that this was just one of a long line of State-sponsored murders of people of African heritage – and not just in the U.S.A.
Monday, September 30, 2013
“I Can’t Hire You Because You’re Black”
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Jim Crow |
This happened in Queens, NYC. I was born and grew up in Queens. But this didn't happen back in the 1950s or '60s. Oh, no, no, no. This happened TWO YEARS AGO.
Isn't this what people were marching about 50 years ago - jobs and freedom?
Click here to read more about this shameful incident.
Another shameful thing - stuff like this happens every day, but not everybody takes action like this young sista did.
Looking for work, or know someone who is? See Black Success: Finding the Job You Want.
Click here for more resources for your job search.
Here's to your success!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Aimé Césaire Centennial at the Schomburg
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Aimé Césaire |
Aimé Césaire was a noted writer, scholar and political leader from Martinique, who is credited with coining the term Negritude. Césaire is known as the father of Negritude.
Negritude (which can be translated as "Blackness") was a Francophone African and Caribbean movement of the 1920s, '30s and '40s which stressed the importance of accepting and celebrating Blackness, and understanding Black history and culture.
Césaire wrote poems, plays and a biography of Toussaint L'Ouverture, hero of the Haitian Revolution.
Negritude was influenced by Langston Hughes and other writers of the Harlem Renaissance, most notably Claude McKay, another writer of Caribbean origin. Other members of the Negritude movement included Franz Fanon, Algerian author of Wretched of the Earth and Black Skin, White Masks.
Events include a screening of A Voice for History, a film by Euzhan Palcy; a live stage performance of Césaire's classic work Notebook of a Return to My Native Land [in English]; and a performance and discussion of Césaire's A Season in the Congo, which explores Patrice Lumumba's fight to free his country from Belgian colonial rule.
For details, see: Black History and Cultural Events.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Black Scientists and Inventors
Many of them think studying the sciences is not "cool", and experience peer pressure to avoid studying, as Henry Bonsu pointed out in Black Success Stories.
Click here to read my new article on Black Scientists and Inventors.
The article includes an interview with Keith C. Holmes, author of Black Inventors, Crafting Over 200 Years of Success.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Black Success: The Benefits of Meditation
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Black Success: Benefits of Meditation |
Listen to the short audio below for more on the benefits of meditation.
Click here for an audio about Inner Harmony.
Click here for more Black Success audios.
Click here for Success Strategies for Black People.
Click here for What You Don't Want Us to Know.
Monday, August 26, 2013
Was the March on Washington a Waste of Shoe-Leather?
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Black Success: Take Action NOW
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Struggling and Juggling Financially? |
In London there is a 55% unemployment rate among Black youth.
Click here for more Black Success audios.
If you find this audio useful, please share it with your networks. Please also leave a comment below.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Financial Independence Strategy
The 3-Step Success Formula is a strategy which can help you to achieve any goal you want to achieve. To read it, click here to download my free ebook, "Achieving Success".
Click here for more information.
"Achieving Success" is a sample chapter from my ebook, What They Don't Want Us to Know. For a limited time, you can download What They Don't Want Us to Know for just $1.52. Click here to download it now.
If you have found this useful, please share this blog post with your networks.
Click here for more Black Success audios.
Here's to your success!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Are You Open to Receive?
There are many people in this world who need to learn to give. I would argue there are many millions who need to learn to receive.
If you are not achieving the results you want, this means you are blocking yourself. Somewhere, you have a block to receiving, be it physical, emotional or psychological.
Three of the things that can block us from receiving include:
- anger at old incidents that wounded and scarred you
- deeply buried anger, resentment, hatred and pain
- the desire to blame yourself or others
There are many more.
To read more about this, and to find out what you can do to improve your results, click here to download my free ebook, "Achieving Success", which contains the 3-Step Success Formula.
Click here for more information.
If you value this information, please share this with your networks.
And for a limited time, you can download What They Don't Want Us to Know for just $1.52.
You can open to receive the abundance of the universe. Here's to your success!
Monday, July 15, 2013
Orin: Aligning with Star Energies
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Orin Aligning with Star Energies |
I have listened to this audio many times and it is just so relaxing and inspiring. I am delighted to be able to share this with you.
You can bring the energies of the stars into your body to heal and rejuvenate all of your cells.
You can use star energies to transform any area of your life - money, finances, work, career, relationships or health.
Click here to read about Orin and DaBen and download free audios. (See the Resources section.)
Plus click here for my audio: Experience Peace.
And click here for my newly updated free ebook, "Achieving Success".
Monday, June 24, 2013
From Limitation to Manifestation

If you enjoy this blog post, please share it with your networks. Thank you.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Experience Peace
But deep down inside of us, there is a place of peace. We can experience peace. Listen to this audio for more.
Monday, June 03, 2013
Train Your Mind to Bring You Wealth

Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Inner Harmony
See also: Your Inner Wisdom.
Click here to buy Success Strategies for Black People.
Click here for more Black Success Audios.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Creating Nonviolent Solutions
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Black Success: Double Your Income in 30 Days
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Double Your Income |
I have updated this post a little.
Go here for my audio on how you can double your income in 30 days. This really works.
For more information, see "3 Dynamite Ways to Increase Your Income", below.
Did you know you can double your income in 30 days - just by using the power of your mind? This could potentially change your life.
This is NOT a business proposition. For details, listen to the audio above.
you have read Success Strategies, "like" my Facebook page and post there, and we'll take
it from there. I'm no longer offering this for free, but it really works. For more about this, see: "3 Dynamite Ways to Increase Your Income".
Monday, May 20, 2013
Your Best Business Strategy
Coach Kevin shares his best strategy, what difficulties he has overcome and much more. Click here to download your copy today.
See also: Remember Your Greatness.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Not Gonna Fall in Your Lap

Too many of our people are waiting for something to drop into their laps - waiting for some hero, leader or saviour to rescue them. That's what I said in "Do You Play the Lottery?" Please check this out and leave your comments there.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Six Reasons Why the LOA Is Not Working for You

Dr. Simeon Rodgers talked about:
- how to use the LOA to dramatically change the results of your life.
- the six factors that have sabotaged your manifesting so far and how to overcome each of them.
- a process to give you ironclad faith in the LOA.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tapping to Clear the Chakras
Further to yesterday's post about chakra healing, I have found this video about using the EFT tapping points to clear the chakras.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Black Market - Economic Empowerment
This was the second Black Market event in London hosted by Black History Studies. I attended the first one a few months ago, and it was very positive. The second one include a film festival.
It's all about economic empowerment.
We can all learn from this. This is just an example of what is possible for our Black-owned businesses.
Plus click here for the Strong Black Business Community.
Unblock Your Weak Chakras to Start Living a Life of Abundance and Energy
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Buy Black: The Empowerment Experiment

Anderson expects that her effort to support African American-owned businesses will inspire her community become more active their sometimes struggling neighborhoods.
Anderson wrote about her experience in Our Black Year, her recently published book co-authored by Ted Gregory. The idea came about because she and her husband John wanted to embark on their dramatic adventure as a means to "inspire economic empowerment."
Forthcoming Our Black Year events include visits to the Association of Black Women Lawyers and the African American Chamber of Commerce. I am sure you wish her every success, as I do.
Click here for details of how you can promote your small business globally.
Click here for the Strong Black Business Community.
Here's to your success!
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Partying in Brixton on Thatcher's Death
They were partying in Brixton last night, along with Bristol and Glasgow. And I don't blame them. Former UK Prime Minister Maggie Thatcher is dead at last.
This is the same Maggie Thatcher who:
- closed the mines, the steel works and the shipyards;
- put more than three million people out of work;
- devastated communities - in some families; no one has had a job for nearly 30 years;
- created the current housing crisis by not allowing local councils to replace housing stock
they sold off under "Right to Buy" legislation;
- introduced the Poll Tax;
- deregulated the financial services industry, which contributed to the current economic
- abolished the GLC and the other Metropolitan County Councils;
- created a culture governed by greed, selfishness and the "me-first" mentality.
And lest we forget, the 1981 Brixton riots happened on her watch.
I could go on. I feel for her family members, but I mostly feel for the rest of Britain, the majority of whom are still suffering under the legacy of Thatcher.
Brixton people know how to party, and the Ritzy Cinema joined in the fun. Watch the video below for more.
Shame it came 30 years too late.