I have not blogged in so long now. Even when I want to, I try to login and it's dern near impossible. Frustrating, exhausting. Isn't technlology supposed to make our lives easier? I so often ask myself this question.
Went to this event the other night at the Writers' Guild. It was great. I have rarely seen so many white people on a spoken-word stage. But they were good and I managed to catch up with Oneness. I have been trying to track her down for ages. She did some of the interviews for my website (http://www.kuumba-survivors.com/) and I still owe her money.
The poetry was great but what was even better, in a way, was the sense of being part of a writing community, even a spoken word community.
Things have been so hectic. The cat has been unwell and I have been so depressed. Think there's a link there somewhere.
I'm busy writing at the moment, words that will be spoken by actors. I'm excited and terrified.