Friday, October 05, 2018

Black History: New Revelations about Emmett Till

Okay, it's not exactly a revelation, but the white woman whose accusation sparked the brutal murder of Emmett Till in 1955 has now, AT LAST, admitted that she lied.

The 14-year-old whistled at a white woman - that much has been made clear by his cousins, who were present at the time of the incident.

But he DID NOT touch her inappropriately.  This white woman has FINALLY admitted that.  So she will not take that secret to her grave.

Of course, Ida B. Wells researched this many decades ago and proved that these allegations that Black men had touched or, indeed, attacked white women were completely erroneous.  They were simply a pretext, used to justify the lynching of Black men, women and children.

Go here for my blog post about Ida B. Wells.

Go here for more Black history blog posts.

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