The Sowetan - Jumping the Border for Water |
is an artificial border first erected in 1933, which divided a
community called Mabule in Botswana . Now half of Mabule is in
South Africa, but the other half is still in Botswana. And they need
water. They cross the barbed wire border every day to get it.
you may know, during the European colonisation of Africa, many
artificial borders were set up and they often divided communities.
There are people in Mabule in Botswana who are now
living in a different country from their relatives – all because of
an artificial border.
things have happened all over Africa. And this is still affecting
people to this day.
about the devastation that is being wrought by Boko Haram in Northern
Nigeria and reflect on how much of this can be traced to the fact
that areas which are now banded together nationally as Nigeria were
once separate territories, with their own poitical and economic
systems. These existing systems were either eroded or destroyed in
order to facilitiate the agendas of the European colonisers. For
more about this, check out my blog post: Invasion 1897.
more about the devastating long-term effects of the European
colonisation of Africa, see: Black
People in the First World War.
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