Monday, August 05, 2024

Riots in the UK - The Current Crisis

Rioting at a Hotel in Rotherham

We have been through one crisis after another over the past few years.  

Currently, riots are sweeping the UK.  They are linked with racism, Islamophobia and anti-immigrant sentiment  promoted and spready by far-right groups. Hotels that house refugees and asylum seekers are being attacked and set on fire.  

In some cases, people from anti-racist groups are confronting the rioters. 

I recently posted about global conflict.  However, the violence has come home. This is very frightening for those of us living in the UK.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has a vital part to play, although I personally think its main impact is more about prevention.  But it has been used effectively in situations of extreme violence.  

Go here for more about NVC.  

And go here for my FREE worksheet for parents.  Parents have a vital role to play in preventing and ending the violence. 

NVC is based on empathy, which is about listening.  

We need to understand the causes of the violence.  People are very angry and have been for years now.  Certain groups and certin politicians are whipping up the anger.  

Why are these people so angry?  Because they think they have not been listened to.  They think they have been ignored by the powers that be, and at last, the violence is exploding.  

We must have meaningful dialogue if we are going to put an end to the violence.  

Go here for The Blogging Carnival for Nonviolence 2024.  





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